Interconnected Individuals

Michael Perman on Imagining and Creating New Realities

Jeff Saperstein, Michael Perman

Jeff interviews Michael Perman, Innovation Futurist, Author, and Consultant of C’Est What? about how Michael sees “the experience” as a marketing insight and how organizations and individuals can create new realities. His book "Craving the Future” provides guidance and practical exercises for you to develop a more creative, innovative mindset.

Some topics covered by Jeff and Michael include:

  • Michael explains the thesis of his new book, “Craving the Future”, and discusses what he believes people truly crave in their lives. (1:00)
  • Michael identifies ways to re-imagine the future and create new realities for themselves (including skills and examples). (2:30)
  • Jeff asks Michael a few questions about his own personal evolution, his creative mindset and career experience. (7:00)
  • Michael discusses how his creative mindset and the way he saw the world transitioned over the course of his life and career. (11:00)
  • Jeff asks Michael about his transitions between different roles in his own career and how people can “re-imagine” themselves. (13:35)
  • Michael explains how one should approach the challenges to working in a ‘resistant’ environment. (16:25)
  • Michael discusses how he’s been able to maintain passion and enthusiasm throughout his career, and discusses what motivates him today and for the future. (18:40)

Check out Michael’s website and podcasts at, order a copy of his book on Amazon, and learn more about this podcast and Jeff Saperstein at